
This website provides support for individuals, organizations and communities dedicated to environmental restoration, social justice, conscious evolution and spiritual growth. We offer educational experiences and resources to expand awareness and transform our often alienated human-centered perspective to one that is interconnected and earth-centered.

We believe that the current global chaos, fear and madness will continue to escalate until we awaken to the impact of our individual and communal actions on the life of this planet.

The consequences of our unexamined beliefs, patterns and actions threaten the well being of future generations. By awakening to the light of our own beauty, power and magnificence we can create equality and sustainability for all life. To this end, we have created The Well of Light! Your thoughts, suggestions and comments are welcome.

Michael Stone spent most of his vocational life as a corporate Organizational Development Consultant, Communications Specialist, and Leadership Trainer. His company, Mastery of Management International, focused on bringing heart and meaning into the workplace. For 25 years he worked with Fortune 500 companies, NGOs and social profit institutions throughout Europe and North America.

Since leaving the corporate speaking and training circuit Michael has become a broadcaster with KVMR, and has a show called Conversations: Possibilities and Perspectives on Local and Global Issues. His show focuses on Environmental Restoration, Spiritual Fulfillment and Social Justice Issues. He is also a journalist who contributes to numerous publications, including his own e-newsletter, The Well of Light.

Michael has extensive training in movement and is a certified trainer in Trance Dance, Soul Motion, and Gabrielle Roth’s Five Rhythms. He has brought his training in communications, gestalt, meditation, and psychology together with his spiritual and environmental conviction to develop a totally unique approach to bringing forth a new depth in environmental awareness.

He asks: “How can we really heal the earth when we barely inhabit our own bodies? We have lost our ability to feel our deep connection and relationship to the planet and all life. Lost in the technological promise of uninterrupted growth and a belief that we could consume our way to happiness, our worldview has become smaller and smaller until we are paralyzed to stop the destruction and pollution of our land, air, sea, and water. We have become bloated on our own unexamined beliefs and assumptions and we must wake up or we will end up where we are headed.”

Both his movement work and CONVERSATIONS are expressions of his profound commitment to co-creating a more socially just, environmentally sustainable, and spiritually fulfilling world for us all.

Quotes from guests on show:

To be in conversation with Michael Stone opens the heart and mind. Our interview together was enhanced by his caring intelligence and rich experience.
– Joanna Macy

Michael Stone is one of the most perceptive and informed interviewers I have ever encountered. His show, Conversations, is a great contribution towards the evolution of the universal human. 
-Barbara Marx Hubbard

Conversations is a courageous exploration of ideas and issues seldom covered elsewhere; Michael Stone’s tone is thoughtful, intelligent, and probing.
– Richard Heinberg

Michael Stone is a master interviewer. He has total command of the material and of my work and asked excellent questions that moved the interview on a smooth trajectory to a meaningful and positive conclusion.
– David Korten

Conversations is a thoughtful and delightful program which energizes hope and inspires action.
– Hazel Henderson

Conversations with Michael Stone are engaging and uplifting. He brings out the best. And his choice of music adds a depth and poignancy I have not experienced in other shows.
– Peter Russell

“CONVERSATIONS embodies Michael’s unwavering commitment to bringing forth a world that works for everyone. He is a passionate promoter of positive change in the world.”
– Lynne Twist, author
Soul of Money

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